
Romeo And Juliet Corruption Quotes

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As the tale of Romeo and Juliet comes to a close, it has ended with the loss of two beloved, innocent youths, as a result of the dreadful Capulet and Montague feud. Now, several once respectable citizens of Verona must face the consequences of their actions in the feud. The Nurse, Friar Lawrence, and Lord Capulet will be punished due to their inexcusable faults. Lady Capulet on the other hand, will be excused for her faults. I, the Prince of Verona, herby punish the Friar Lawrence, and strip him of his position of Friar, therefore demote him to a Friar’s apprentice. The Friar has exhibited abhorrable behavior in regards to the wellbeing of Juliet and Romeo, failed in his duty to carry out god’s wishes, and abused his power. For example, “Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.”(Act 5 Scene 3) Moreover, Friar has exhibited that he is afraid that the I, the Prince, or a parish would find out his evil deception in faking Juliet’s death, and although he tries to convince her to come with him, it is only so he could hide her in a nunnery. Thus, even after the Friar has …show more content…

uicidal Juliet in the tomb, were she eventually kills herself to be with her “true love.” Furthermore, when the Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet, he states, “These violent delights have violent ends, And …show more content…

On the other hand, Lady Capulet will be excused for her faults. The Nurse failed to advise care for Juliet, teach her responsibility, or show responsibility, herself. Friar Lawrence did not protect the well being of Juliet and Romeo, failed in his duty to carry out god’s wishes, and abused his power. Lord Capulet acted with cruel intentions towards Juliet and forced her to marry. Lady Capulet was innocent in this case, because she could not be held responsible due to her lack of knowledge. All I can hope now, is that Verona will heal after the tragedy of Romeo and

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