
Romeo And Juliet Essay Thesis

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Romeo and Juliet Essay Love is commonly known as the strongest force in the world, and it can make people go to extreme lengths for another. Throughout literature, the power of love is a common theme that expresses the effects it can have on people. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, the powerful love that is seen between the two main characters is the driving force for all the events in the story. The play begins when two children of enemy households, Romeo and Juliet, meet at a party and fall madly in love. The lovers get married in secret the next day, but their joy is short-lived. Disaster strikes when Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, and is banished from Verona. When Juliet’s father plans for her to marry Count Paris …show more content…

After Lord Capulet and Lord Montague learn about what happened between Romeo and Juliet, Capulet says, “O brother Montague, give me thy hand. This is my daughter’s jointure, for no more. “Can I demand” (5.3.306-308). After learning about their children’s powerful love story, Capulet and Montague decide to reconcile with each other. Both men agreed to create statues in their childrens’ honor as a way to remember their sacrifice. They realized that if the Montague and Capulet families had never hated each other, their children would still be alive. Their families’ hatred was the cause of their deaths, and because of this, they made amends with each other. All in all, Romeo and Juliet’s decisions greatly impacted many of the other characters in the play. Overall, Romeo and Juliet’s decisions, as well as the effects of their choices, are what make Romeo and Juliet a story about the power of passionate love. Romeo and Juliet make many important choices throughout the story, which reflect how powerful their love is. These choices, however, also have effects on other

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