Romeo And Juliet Essay Thesis

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Romance and falling in love can be connotations of being human. As we know it, humanity can conduct in such a manner that makes it seem as if being in love is a bizarre act of nature. As the saying goes, one can simply be ignorant in love. This inexplicable emotion can make an individual act in a foolish way. For many, the notion of soulmates and eternal lovers can be an unrealistic thought that one comes to believe when they fall in love. In the story of Romeo and Juliet, the issue of whether these two starstruck lovers were actually soulmates or eternal lovers is in question. Do you actually believe that about Romeo and Juliet? If the truth was to be spoken, I know that I definitely do not believe that. The type of love demonstrated is childish …show more content…

That is the word that Friar Lawrence defines in act 5 of Romeo and Juliet. He ran away from the scene that he ultimately constructed. How must he live with the guilt that if he would have tried a little harder to talk some sense into Juliet, who obviously was extremely unstable since her love committed suicide, or he would have taken some responsibility for his actions and faced the watch, he might have been able to prevent Juliet from committing suicide. Bodies were dropping dead left and right and Friar Lawrence should have been able to predict that Juliet was capable of committing suicide since she was willing to if she was forced to marry Paris; now let us just imagine what was going through her mind now that her “true love” died. Additionally, Friar Lawrence’s offer to transform Juliet into a holy nun was of extremely little help. Supplemental details are given in the following quote, act 5 scene 3, lines 153-159, Friar Lawrence: “A greater power than we can contradict hath thwarted our intents. Come, come away. Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead, and Paris too. Come, I’ll dispose of thee among a sisterhood of holy nuns. Stay not to question, for the watch is coming. Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.” Someway, somehow Friar Lawrence still had the dignity to accuse a higher power for the mistakes he committed and that caused this entire