
Villains In Romeo And Juliet

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Villains: Tybalt, Lord Capulet, Capulets & Montagues "What, art thou drawn among the heartless hinds?" Romeo and Juliet is considered to be the most famous of Shakespeare tragedies. The tragedy of Romeo & Juliet is caused by the villains in the play. Tybalt, feuding Capulets & Montagues, and Friar Lawrence are the three possible villains that caused the tragedies in Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt is a main villain in Romeo and Juliet, he is first introduced at the beginning of the play. In Act 1 Scene 1, Tybalt storms into a quarrel between the servants of Capulets and Montagues. While Benvolio is trying to stop the fight, Tybalt intimidates Benvolio and draws his sword to fight the Montagues. Even though Tybalt only had five lines, but this …show more content…

Friar Lawrence's mistake is not to let Romeo and Juliet marry each other, but to not think of the plan. In Act 4, Friar Lawrence gives Juliet - an immature 14 year old girl - with a potion that makes her look dead, just to avoid the marriage with Paris. The next huge mistake is that Friar Lawrence trusting Friar John to deliver the letter to Romeo. The letter is very important because it contains the plan. Instead of delivering the letter personally, Friar Lawrence gives the letter to Friar John, and Friar John ends up kept in a quarantined house due to an outbreak of plague. Friar Lawrence also leaves Juliet when she needed him the most. In the tomb scene, after Juliet wakes up and finds out that Romeo is dead. Even though Friar Lawrence says that a greater power has ruined the plan, but he didn’t specifically explain what causes the tragedy of Romeo. Instead, he runs away because the watchmen is coming. From the three huge mistakes above, Friar Lawrence is an irresponsible, careless, and self-centred character. Overall, his plan has too many variable and is very risky, If he doesn't make the mistakes, then the plan would end up differently, Romeo and Juliet would not kill

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