Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Quotes

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Romeo’s Tragedy It’s safe to say that everyone has flaws, normally the character is given to fix them, or they are so minor that they can be lived with. But, sometimes the character isn’t given the chance and there is no redemption because it’s too late. From the beginning of the play, Shakespeare told, that Romeo and Juliet will die by the end. Throughout the play, Shakespeare leaves little breadcrumbs that reveal who is responsible for their death, from further reading it becomes obvious that the culprit could be Romeo, and his impulsiveness. Shakespeare presents Romeo’s impulsiveness, throughout the scenes of Romeo and Juliet, to display various levels of tragedy caused from it. We first see Romeo’s impulsive behavior in the balcony scene …show more content…

Such was the case with Romeo now, with Shakespeare’s ending in Act 5, when Romeo rashly goes to an apothecary to buy poison and kill himself. It all begin when Romeo in Mantua gets the news from Verona that Juliet is supposedly “dead”, and lays buried at the Capulet tomb. But in actuality it was just an act fueled by the Friar’s potion which stops the heart rate, and makes someone look dead. Romeo doesn’t know this yet, since Friar John had been trapped in a town that gets quarantined. Now Romeo doesn’t even wait for a day or two, and instead his first thought was to buy poison and die next to Juliet. He says, “Let me have/ A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear/ As will disperse itself through all the veins/ That the life-weary taker may fall dead, And that the trunk may be discharged of breath/ As violently as hasty powder fired/ Doth hurry from the fatal cannon’s womb.” (Shakespeare 5. 1. 59-65). From this excerpt, the reader can see that Romeo is buying his poison from the Apothecary. He even tells her what kind he wants, in such detail, too. He is being too rash by planning his death like