Romeo And Juliet Miscommunication Examples

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As put forward by two experts, Destinee Boutwell and Mary Lahman, in the article “Miscommunication In the Egyptian Museum: A Case Study”, they declared that “Miscommunications happen every day between people, but traveling abroad seems to exaggerate the frequency and severity of the occurrences” (Boutwell & Lahman 1). When making mistakes, such as miscommunication, sometimes all a person needs to solve that problem is to know that it is normal to be making that mistake. According to “Message Received”, by Denise Anderson, it can be said that a failure to communicate “may lead one down a path of miscommunication, distrust, anger, inefficiency and other negative outcomes” (Anderson 7). These are only some of the effects of miscommunication and …show more content…

Juliet kept this secret from her because she would never understand that they are in love. After all, both the Capulets (Juliet’s family) and the Montegues (Romeo’s family) have a feud. Romeo commits to Juliet by announcing to Friar Lawrence, “I'll tell thee as we pass, but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us today” (Shakespeare 2.3.60). Romeo is passionate about marrying Juliet to the extent that he prayed that Friar Lawrence would marry them that day. Juliet was also so passionate about getting married that she kept it a secret from her own mother. Similarly to this, in the novel Speak, the main character, Melinda, keeps it a secret from her mother that she got raped. She had kept this secret from her because she thought that her mother would never understand. Melinda sorrowfully sets forth that, “It is easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it… Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say” (Halse 9). Melinda at many times and in many different ways in the Novel reveals these standards about herself which show what kind of person she is. Through these assumptions, you can observe that she keeps many secrets from people including the one about rape from her mother. In both the Novel Speak and the play Romeo and Juliet it can be observed that the miscommunication between parent …show more content…

When Juliet saw Romeo, she immediately knew that he had killed himself with the poison so she kissed his lips right away in hope that she would die from the poison too. This failed so as a last resort she grabbed Romeo’s dagger and screamed with the last breath of life “O happy dagger, / This is thy sheath” and stabbed herself (Shakespeare 5.3.171). When Juliet woke from her long nap, she had seen Romeo’s dead body and was in shock to see that the love of her life was dead and lying right in front of her. As a response to his death, she knew that she could not spend the rest of her life without him so made the quick decision to kill herself. The outcome of miscommunication in this example, from Speak, differs extravagantly from the first, from Romeo and Juliet. This example occurs when Melinda attempts to kill herself. It is controversial whether or not Melinda’s actions of cutting her wrist were actual attempts of suicide or just a call for help. Melinda was thinking to herself and was perplexed as she opened “up a paper clip and [scratched] it across the inside of [her] left wrist. Pitiful. If a suicide attempt is a cry for help, then what is this?” (Halse 87). As Melinda thinks to herself, even she ponders why she cut her wrist. She thinks to herself, how could this be a suicide attempt or a call for help,