Romeo And Juliet Teenage Crush Essay

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The article “Adolescence and the Teenage Crush” helps explain the plot of “Romeo and Juliet” by showing the readers that “Romeo and Juliet” just have a crush and not real love. “Romeo and Juliet have not fully thought out their relationship and have not taken into account that “teenage crushes have a significant role to play in the journey of adolescence” ( Pickhardt 1 ) At first it may seem that “Romeo and Juliet” have found the love of their life but now it is known that this is short term love known as a crush. Romeo's best friend Benvolio says Romeo might just have a crush Benvolio says Romeo is “blind in his love, and best befits the dark” (Shakespeare 2.1.30-35). The article, “Adolescence and the Teenage Crush” explains that “Romeo and

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