Roof Of Mouth Research Paper

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The roof of your mouth – or palate – can become swollen for a number of reasons. Allergic reactions, irritants, injury, and infections are common contributors to mouth pain, but there are a number of home treatments that you can use when you find your roof of mouth swollen.

Part 1: What Causes My Roof of Mouth Swollen?
Most sufferers of roof of mouth pain will find that the underlying cause is unknown. However, in some cases, swelling is attributed to infections, physical trauma, allergies, or even larger systemic diseases affecting the body. Typically, conditions that affect the amount of saliva your mouth produces will affect mouth irritation.

1. Infections
You may find your roof of mouth swollen due to a virus or other infection. The herpes simplex virus, which causes mouth sores, is typical of the mouth area. The chickenpox virus, varicella-zoster, can cause recurring sores on the side of the mouth that are painful both when raw and healing. Bacterial infections due to tooth decay and poor hygiene will contribute to swelling and soreness. People with AIDS may sometimes experience painful irritation in the roof of the mouth due to overproduction of candida yeast, and syphilis can cause painful sores that may be contagious.

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Physical trauma
Injuring the inside of the mouth will cause swelling and pain in the area. This can be caused by accidentally biting a cheek or be due to orthodontic or dental procedures. Foods like citrus and other acidic items or strong flavors like cinnamon can cause the roof of the mouth to hurt, and cleaning properties in certain dental care products can also contribute to injury or

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