Rotary's Four Way Test Essay

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I didn't know that these questions were the Rotary’s Four-Way Test, but I have heard similar versions to these questions. I have always thought they could most accurately be applied to how someone uses social media. The biggest example of how the Four Way Test can be applied to my life is, the use of social media. Today almost everyone has some form of a social media account. It would be very di�cult to �nd someone who doesn’t. Grandparents are notorious for using Facebook to connect with their grandchildren by sending them endless game noti�cations. And young children are using Muscialy and YouTube to try to become famous. But another use of social media is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is purposely defaming someone over the Internet. When …show more content…

No, not really but it does better their friendship. And this post isn’t any form of cyber bullying. I think that the Four-Way Test should be on a poster and hung in public places like schools and libraries where teenagers are. More people need to what this is and how to use it their life.
In my life and simply as a teenager, I am constantly using some form of social media. I’m either on Twitter to learn the latest drama, on Facebook to get the news, on Snapchat snapping my best friends, or watching Instagram stories of my RYLA friends on their senior trips. None of this is cyberbullying but while I’m on these I see other people trying to hurt their friends simply to get more likes. Their posts aren't true, fair, bettering friendships, or bene�cial. These people need to see a poster of the Four-Way Test and learn that what they’re doing is wrong. It can also get them in serious trouble with their schools, college coaches or admissions counselors, and even the law.
Both myself and society can bene�t from the using the Four-Way Test when deciding what to post on social media. The Four-Way Test can be bene�cial to more than just