Would Bullying Exist If Everyone Used The 4-Way Test?

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Bullying is a big problem in many schools around the United States and other countries. According to NoBullying.com, 20 percent of U.S. students in grades 9-12 reportedly have experienced bullying or are feeling bullied, while 28 percent of students in grades 6-12 report the same (No Bullying, 2016). These facts made me ask the question “Would bullying exist if everyone used the 4-way-test?”. I remember seeing two children fighting because one thought he was better than the other. I am going to call them Noah and Justin. Noah was walking to the water fountain, after speaking to the basketball coach, when Justin started saying mean things to Noah for not being able to be on the basketball team due to his grade point average. He was getting called many names by Justin such as “dumb,” “stupid,” and “ugly”. Also, Justin spread a rumor about Noah, and people stopped being his friend. I then knew that this would not have happened if his action were based on the 4-Way-Test.
The first question on the 4-way test asks “Is it the truth?” Justin bullying Noah was not based on the truth. Just because Justin has better grades than Noah, does not mean he has the right to bully Justin for not having good grades. Bullying is created on the idea that a person is better than somebody else; this is the lie …show more content…

According to PBSKids.org, a 12-year-old named Ambrosia said that her best friend spread a rumor about her, saying she had a crush on a boy, when she didn’t. After her best friend spread that rumor, they did not talk to each other anymore. This is similar to Noah’s problem. Justin keeps spreading rumors about him, which aren’t true. Therefore, if you ask yourself, “Will my actions bring goodwill and friendship?”, then you could never spread rumors about someone