Rotator Cuff Injury Research Paper

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The Rotator Cuff injury effects the muscles on the dorsum of the scapula and the iriceps brachii. It is a group of tendons that surround the shoulder joint and can be damaged/injured easily. The Rotator cuff can be injured to different extents. They can range from simple inflation to complete or partial tears.

Fist aid treatment for the injury can range from surgery and the physiotherapy to ice and a break off sport.

First aid treatments include: for inflammation
Do not heat for the first 48 hours instead apply the PRICE principles immediately. Protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Avoid slings as it is important that you don 't keep the shoulder completely immobilised.
After 2-3 days start to move the shoulder joint, with the aid of moist heat. …show more content…

First aid treatments for: torn rotator cuff
The first aid essential for a torn rotator cuff is to immediately apple the PRICE principles.
This should be applied every 10 minutes.
Book into local GP or doctor and wait for advice, to be imitated into hospital for further surgery.
Management for a torn rotator :
Management for a torn rotator, includes rehab and should generally be given by a doctor for a supervised program. But if tear is partical the following should take place. Strengthening is a must. Start off with gentle shoulder exercises after 2-3 days of rest. Eg shoulder shrugs, rowing and push-ups several times a day. These movements help return pain free and smooth motions. Additional rehab and management techniques include restrictiveexercises,thera-band and

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