
Rough Draft Of George Orwell's 1984

466 Words2 Pages

Rough draft

Throughout the past decade, social media has been present in people’s modern day lives. It has shaped, molded, tempered, and changed their lives. This is a true fact because one single person cannot express his or her feelings on a social media with a different opinion than that of the main group’s opinion. This relates to 1984 because in this book the people are not allowed to be an individual, they must all be the same otherwise they will be imprisoned, killed, or vaporized.

At the beginning of this story the author begins by stating that things in life are not that good, and to make things better the main character states that, “Big brother is watching you” pg-6. This quote explains how in the story how everyone is being watched by the government and if they mess up they will be punished just for being themselves. This relates to the real world because one cannot simply express his or her feelings in public or social media because people will hate on them. …show more content…

This explains that no matter where the main character went or did the thought police would be watching at all times, which they were always watching to make sure everyone stayed the same. In the real world or the reality of modern day society, we are always being watched. Whether we are being watched by actual people or we are on an electronic device and we are on a social website, we are always being watched by the government. The government in the real world is just like 1984 because the government wants to always keep an eye on

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