Rough Draft: Understanding The Psychology Of Learning

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Rough Draft: Understanding the Learning Process For learning to occur, multiple things have to interact with each other. These include memory, organization, processing, and attention. Understanding the learning process can help students understand and develop a love of learning. In the learning process, there are 5 key steps. These are observation, attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation, as stated by The learning process consists of multiple diverse characteristics such as change, actions, interaction, problem-solving, and experience. It explains to us how learning occurs and why. Learning is a natural process that all humans conduct, regardless of their intelligence level. Learning can be positive or negative due to …show more content…

No matter how a person learns, these steps will always have to be performed. This includes motivation, knowledge absorption, and implementation. Classical conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and observational learning are essential to understanding the psychology of learning. It is also needed to understand what behaviors influence human learning and behavior. A person’s experiences help them learn and almost always determines which types of learning will be easiest for them. Learning with other people is better than learning by yourself, though everyone needs to work independently at times. We wouldn’t understand anything without having at least one person explain a basic concept to us. We acquire new information and form new representations better in environments with other people. In highly social environments, people are more likely to be encouraged to absorb information, either to help others, or through the motivation of competition. By combining what they are learning with what they already know and have experienced, students create a world that is exclusively their own. Based on this idea of learning, each student's experience with learning is unique and