Rowley V BOE Of Hendrick Hudson School District

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Children with disabilities will receive free, appropriate education that is tailored to their individual needs (FAPE). FAPE was derived from the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004 (Essex, p. 127). The Rowley v BOE of Hendrick Hudson School District case is a monumental case that educators should look to for decision making regarding FAPE. Amy Rowley’s family filed a suit against Hendrick Hudson School District when the district refused to provide a person to sign for Amy during her classes. It was decided in favor of the family but later overturned by the Supreme Court in favor of the school district. The Supreme Court rulings decided that the school district was in compliance with its services to Amy in regards …show more content…

However, in the case of Endrew vs Douglas County School District, this was not the case. Rowley's case was used as a precedent for Endrew’s case and misinterpreted. The misinterpretations of Rowley's case was the mentality that as long as a student with disabilities is receiving some form of special education, the district was in compliance with FAPE. Affirming school districts that provide an IEP to students with services to help them hold …show more content…

Endrew was an autistic student who was not. His family pulled him from the district and placed him in a private school where they saw great improvements academically and socially. They sought for the district to pay for tuition. The Supreme Court unanimously agreed in favor of Andrew. The rulings included (1) “an IEP reasonably valvulated to enable a child to make progress appropriate in light of the child’s circumstances” (cite) (2) “a student offered an educational program providing ‘merely more than de minimis’ progress from year to year can hardly be said to have been offered an education at all” (cite). The Endrew case affirmed IDEIA by setting a standard of having high expectations of students with special needs and not “awaiting the time where they (Students) were old enough to drop out” while providing the bare