Texas School Law Essay

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1. Read Chapter One of The Educator’s Guide to Texas School Law. Read the General Introduction to The Law of Higher Education. Read the instructions for assignments two through seven (the Constitutional Law assignment through the Legal Guide assignment) in the course. Assignment eight will not be available until after your complete assignment seven. Now respond to the prompt below. What are four major sources of educational law that we are discussing in this course? Explain them briefly in your own words. Include in your explanation the entity or entities responsible for creating laws in the source and a synthesis of a specific example of at least one law from the source and how it affects education. The response to this prompt will be about one page long. 1. Constitutional Law- Because the United States Constitution does not delegate power over public education to the federal government, each individual state is responsible for creating laws related to and providing public education. Each state in the United States must provide …show more content…

Statutory Law- The Texas Education Code is an important part of educational law. The TEC contains statutes that dictate policies, rules, and guidance for public education. Public education in Texas began to be reformed beginning in the 1980s. The Texas legislature believed that the quality of public education would improve if school districts were allowed more authority and responsibility. The legislature continued modifying the TEC through the 1990s. In addition to giving school districts more power, parents were allowed more authority of their child’s education (Walsh et al., 2014). An important example of this is found in the Special Education programs in public schools. A school is required to hold an Annual Review and Dismissal meeting for a special education student. This meeting informs the parent of student progress and allows the parent to voice concerns about accommodations and services their child is