Russell Baker On Becoming A Writer Summary

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I chose to do my summary on an essay by Russell Baker: “On Becoming a Writer”. I felt that I could relate to the main point, which was that writing for things that you like, or like to, do is more fun and rewarding than writing for an assignment. He dreaded reading and writing assignments until he wrote something that made the “depths of his memory become a vivid recollection” it him happy and remember good times with his family. As a Sixteen-Year-Old high-school student, Russell did not think of writing as a real job or a way to earn a living. He felt it was a job only for the rich. He looked at writing as more of a chore, something he had to do. He found his English grammar as “dull and baffling” “agonies for the teacher to read and for him to write” When he had to read it seemed “deadening as chloroform”. …show more content…

Fleagel, that looked and acted like other teachers. “lacked the gift of infecting people with their own passion”, surprised him by helping him open his mind to writing for things that make you happy and bringing joy when writing. He would say “provide comic relief from the horror, don’t you see,” trying to make the student realize the fun in reading and writing. Russell is writing to students in general and people interested in writing as a living. His purpose was to share his experience, hoping to inspire. His genre was educational, writing to convince people that writing for things you love is better writing. At first he was annoyed by his writing assignments. But he was so happy his words about “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” brought enjoyment and laughter to his classmates. His tone seemed understanding and light