SUGGESTION Strategy For Low-Income African American Group

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One health-related persuasive technology that uses the SUGGESTION strategy is “iCrave” that investigates the efficacy of ‘just-in-time’, mental imagery based interventions when attempting to improve snacking behavior. iCrave was developed to be used during the onset of a food craving that asks the user to imagine a particular scene for 10 seconds and then report on whether they had a healthy snack, unhealthy snack, or no snack at all. The use of mental imagery to reduce food cravings is based on the Elaborated Intrusion Theory of Desire which posits that as cravings are created through a cycle of mental elaboration of an initial intrusive thought, the cycle can be disrupted by reassigning the resources required to sustain it(May, Andrade, …show more content…

for low-income African American groups. OrderUP is a game in which players learn how to make healthier meal choices, this app was designed for a low-income African American groups. Based on the target-audience, the researchers adopted a Trans-theoretical model which is one of the well-established health behavior change theory that helped the users through different stages of changes. OrderUP portrays the perceived threat associated with making unhealthy meal choices by making players lose points for unhealthy choices. The decrease in cumulative points portrays how eating unhealthy meals decreases one's general wellbeing and makes one susceptible to various health problems. The end result of this app was promising where it improved users’ understanding of how to choice and eat healthy meals as well as helped them to engage in nutrition-related analytical thinking, reevaluated the healthiness of a real life habit, and drove the users to start replacing unhealthy meals with more nutritious foods. In general, social influence is often based on a number of theories including social learning theory, TTM, and Reinforcement theory. TTM can be used to determine the stage of change of each group member to avoid unintended upward or downward comparison depending on the desired change. Awarding of points, ranking, recognition, and praise can be used to directly reinforce behavior in line with reinforcement theory(Grimes, Kantroo, & Grinter,