Sadomasochism Research Paper

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Sadomasochism refers to the act of giving or getting pleasure out of infliction or receipt of pain and humiliation.Prevalent among us from time immemorial, sadomasochism as a discourse originated only in the eighteen nineties with the Austrian psychoanalyst Richard von Krafft -Ebing who considered sadomasochism to be a form of subcultural transgression which offers a resistance to the hegemonic conception of sexual politics.Besides ,sadomadochism has some kind of linkage, convergence or underpinning of religion,sensuality patriarchism ,phalocentrism,liberation from the rigid body politics et al.Such instances could be found in the literature of modern and other times. (2) Key words: ' …show more content…

But there are people who find sadomasochism to be constructive because it breaks and redefines the discourse on body.Mark Jordan observes that sexual sadomasochism lies very close to our pure religious

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