Saint Rita Of Cascia Research Paper

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I’m lost and face with nearly the imposible, I’m about the face one of my fears. I seek for guidance, and I kneel down and pray, I pray to Saint Rita of Cascia. There’s quite a lot of reasons why I choose her. Her life story is indescribable and wonderful. I connect to her in ways that can’t be described.
Saint Rita of Cascia had quite an interesting life, but her early life was normal. She was born on the year 1381, her actual birthdate is not known. She was born in the village of Roccaporena, in Cascia, Italy. Her parents, Antonio and Amata Lotti, had considered Rita’s birth as a gift from God. As a Young girl, Rita visit the convent of the Augustinian Nuns, frequently. Rita dreamed of joining the convent. However, her parents had promised Rita in marriage. She married a good man of strong character, named Paolo Mancini. She married him to see if this was God’s will. This brings end to her early life, and I am intruiged …show more content…

They married and has two twin boys. Rita found herself occupied with the regular everyday concerns of a wife and mother. Her huband worked as a watchman. Since her husband was drawn to the tension of two popular political factions. One day as her husband was ambushed and killed, when he was returning home. Rita feared that her two sons would try to avenged the death of their father. She decided to pray for them, and it turns out that both of her boys died of natural causes. Even though the pain was unbearable she thanked God that, her boys died in peace. Due to the death of her family Rita seeked to join the cevnent, but she was denied. She was denied becuase some of the religious relatives were part of the murder, they didn’t want to cause tensión. Rita prayed to three saints so she can enter the covnent. Then she was accepted to enter, and join the convent. Her determination, and simphaty, makes me want to try to be the best peron I can