Organisational Structure Of The Salvation Army

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The Salvation Army was formed in London’s East End in 1865 by one- time Methodist Reform Church minister whose name was William Booth and his wife Catherine. In reality, Booth named this institution the East London Christian Mission. 150 years ago The Salvation Army was formed to function as a religious and charitable corporation. Whose purpose “is to lead men and women into a proper relationship with God” (What Is the Salvation Army? pp.8-9) the organizational structure of the Salvation Army does not have little similarity to that of the church that was revealed in the New Testament. It is more similar to be arranged in accordance to the rank system of Roman Catholicism. Through saving the needy and destitute by assisting them to live in …show more content…

Kettle fundraising drives funded the first mass Christmas dinners at Madison Square Garden in New York in 1901. The Salvation Army finally became the second biggest charity chain in the U.S, after the United Way. Salvation Army Christians managed to nearly 30 million people a year in more than 100 countries. Officers dedicated their personal and professional lives to the group of people working together in this organization, sticking to strict Christian rules such as avoiding alcohol and tobacco. The Salvation Army is known for many things around the world. Its mission is fulfilled to ‘Meet human needs and necessities in (Christ’s) name without discrimination’ it is well known for its charitable works but not as well known for commercial enterprises. Sustainable income will allow in making world producers to lift themselves out of the poverty trap, that could be changing, though, with ‘Sally Ann’ Fair Trade by The Salvation Army growing and seeking new ways to provide fair. Paul Pirie, Business Manager of ‘Sally Ann’ Fair Trade, tells that making money can change the lives of the world’s poorest …show more content…

Respect for all other believers and even non-believers should thank God for their faith, as Pope Francis mentioned in of his sermons. We have to consider discrimination based on creed and color. I think this work sync with its mission for reforming society. Considering everyone same with equal rights either he/she is rich or poor. And it also says to care for the people. As the International day eradicates racial discrimination. Similarly as far as mission is concerned it says to care for people and consider them equal and same no matter what if they are poor or rich. The Salvation Army poverty palliates program. In principle The Salvation Army is accessorizing with some of the poorest people and providing hand- up for them to trade their way out of poverty. In Pakistan The Salvation Army could become an effective and elite force by transforming the lives of poor producers in the society by enabling them to use their skills and resources to build sustainable livelihoods for them and their communities. Challenges leading to injustice have been followed for trading structures and practices that often lead to the exploitation and marginalization of poor people. An aspect of economic life that could change The Salvation Army drastically in recent years is the role of ethics. Global poverty and climatic change coincided with an unprecedented phase of economic and growth in Pakistan. Which in