Sam Gosling And Oliver John: Article Analysis

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What is the basic question the paper addressed? The article of personality dimensions in nonhuman animals by Sam Gosling and Oliver John compares similarities and differences between human behavior and nonhuman or animal behavior. The human being is often overlooked in regards to the way they act, behave and react to certain situations. When articles of nonhumans that were studied to find characteristics, traits and tendencies are published, there seems to be more interests and appeal in knowing about the nonhuman. The main question this article addresses is what are the major dimensions in animal personality? The participants of the study who are the animals, fall under different dimensions on the five factor models. What did the author(s) …show more content…

The researchers started their research by studying research of nonhuman behavior. The researchers started with what they felt were the one-hundred best dtudies and selected the studies with a sample size of 20 or greater. The researchers used the five-factor model adding to coordinate the dimensions. The main procedure was observing the animals and how they reacted to certain situations and scenarios. Based on the chart and conclusion, their observation was only a stepping stone into the study of comparing human and animal behavior. The researchers left the study open for experimentation as they stated that just because something does not exist at a certain time and in a certain way, does not mean it does not exist under any circumstances. The results in this observation possibly may have limited some animal …show more content…

Consciousness was only shown in the closest relative to human beings, that being the chimpanzee. Consciousness requires a higher level of thinking that most animals do not have or have not been proven to have. No animal had a specific personality type each had different instincts pertaining to a certain dimension. The animal could very well have a certain human-like behavior trait but it could have not been shown by the animal during the observation. Each observation disconfirms the author’s prediction because no specific personality type was found and the behavior of the animals was scattered across the five factor