Sam's Memo Essay

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1. What should Sam write in his Memo?

Sam should write the following in his Memo:

Dear all,
I am taking over the role as “Department Manager” and would like to present my goals and aspirations for Australian Hardware to you today.
Australian Hardware is our company and I would like to raise the involvement of all off you within the organisation. In the last moths have I had a chance to develop many innovative ideas and concepts to further the success of the company. However, without the involvement of all of you it won’t be possible.
Please feel free to come forward and share your ideas with me that can help to increase the company’s profits. Bring forward your ideas that can support our marketing strategy and attract more customers. …show more content…

2. What results is he likely to achieve by writing his memo?
Sam is likely to achieve the following. Firstly, is he going to announce his new role of “Department Manager” to all staff members and indicate the new power that he has.
Furthermore, is it likely that he achieves greater involvement of all Staff Members in the general processes of Australian Hardware such as sales and marketing. It is expected that all team members report feedback and ideas on how the turn over of the business can be raised. Different ideas can be gathered from all team members and evaluated. Greater involvement will result from the Memo as well as higher turnovers due to the new marketing approaches.
3. List Sam´s strengths and weaknesses in his new supervisory role.
The following are Sam´s strengths in his new supervisory role:
• Open and honest communication
• Strong involvement of all staff members
• New and innovative ideas
• Strong engagement into company’s dealings
• Motivation skills
• Creativity
• Allows team members to develop ideas
• Good leadership style mixture between guiding staff members and giving them space to carry out their own ideas
• Skilled and talented