Satire In Adolf Hilter's Maggie Stories

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LOGLINE: A story of satire and an over dramatic commentary of the dating world of today; told through the eyes of Josh, A lonely, broke, and desperate individual, who is faced by the challenges of dating furry women, his ex dating Adolf Hilter, Haunting, and well, his loneliness and lack of money. SUMMARY: JOSH sits in his bedroom surrounded by memorabilia of what we assume to be is his ex-girlfriend. He’s suddenly interrupted in his pathetic mourning by his two friends KATE and MIKe. Frantic, Josh attempts to cover up all evidence of MAGGIE ( laptop screen savers, pictures, Valentine's Day stuff, etc). His friends take notice and imply Josh very much needs to get out into the dating world. With this suddenly A boy of “ Maggie Things” explodes …show more content…

It themes exist heavily on the current dating world, with a focus on the male perspective, and exists only to oppose the current system and poke fun. It mixes ghost story with romance, comedy, and so much more. There really is no true genre. It just is a satire on the whole realm. The world of the story doesn’t make sense, as to say there are no rules within the world. Anything goes, so to speak. The character of Josh is the most dynamic of all characters and plays up against the character os Mike, Kate, Maggie, Adolf Hilter, others. These characters don’t seem very multidimensional in the script. In my personal opinion, the script wasn’t funny. It was strange and had potential for dry humor. There weren’t any moments that had you rolling in your chair so to speak. The integration of popular culture characters ( Like Adolf Hiltler, and barrack Obama) Provided strange moments and helped me settle with the fact that anything is bound to happen. The turn of events, were in some ways uneventful. It just seemed like a mashup of ideas and that sort of became Josh’s story. The ending, for me, was a cop out. It seemed like the ending wanted the audience to imply what Josh would do next, but quite honestly I didn’t know Josh’s character well enough to make this sort of decision. It left me confused to say the very least. Aside from hat over arching question, I was also left wondering is this a movie or is this a pilot? Overall, the script was