Schindler's List: The Holocaust

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The movie Schindler’s List is based on a horrific time in history known as the Holocaust. This movie accurately depicts the fear and horrible treatment towards the Jewish community. The Holocaust is an event between the 1920’s-30’s where millions of Jewish people are mistreated and killed all because of their religion. This horrible time occurs because Germany loses World War I, causing a great depression to rise over the land. The people are desperate at this time and want hope in life, which Adolf Hitler claims to provide. He blames the Jews for the loss of the war, creating hatred against them. Quickly after he rises to power, Hitler teaches children to hate Jews, and makes propaganda to show people that the Jews are evil monsters and they …show more content…

He gives up all of the money he owns to take the Jews out of the camps and into his factory, which saves them from being murdered. His power as a Nazi was used to do good by standing up to another Nazi, Amon Goeth by telling him that “power is when we have every justification to kill and we don’t”. Schindler is saying that power comes from being a decent person, and not gaining power out of fear from others. Schindler also uses his power and leadership to make a list, known as Schindler’s List. This list contains 1,100 names of Jews that Schindler is taking to come work for him, preventing them from being killed at the concentration camps. Itzhak Stern refers to the list as “absolute good” because it does nothing but save the jews who are still alive. The list contained no harm to anyone, and his work environment is the safest place to be because he doesn’t torture or hurt the jews as they work. By making this list, he lost all of the money he owned, plus some of his valuables such as his watch. Although both Schindler and Goeth are Nazis, they have different perspectives of this event. This event caused Schindler to see the true horrors created within this time and how many innocent people are being killed. Goeth sees this and gets an overwhelming feeling of strength and power, causing him to become more aggressive and kill more Jews despite the talk