Schizo-Instinctive Disorder Case Studies

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In this case study review reflects, Her various diagnose among them major issues on primary stage of Psychosis is the term a mental health illness in which is the person has lost some stage in contact with reality and also effect on her thinking, emotions and behaviour, this illness severely disrupt a her life in relationship, work and normal activities and her safety can be difficult to control .There are numerous disorder in people can experience psychosis including schizophrenias, Schizo-Affective disorder Drug-induced psychosis and bipolar disorder (which can include psychotic mania).psychosis in episode consider people experience and its considering various phase like Premorbid ( at in risk phase) in this phase people does not experience any symptoms but risk factor play to developing psychosis, Prodromal ( unwell phase) in this phase people change in their motivation, thoughts and behaviour, Acute (psychotic phase) in this stage people fell unwell with psychotic symptoms such as delusions, …show more content…

Finally, Relapse in this stage people may have only episode in their life or may go onto have other episodes. Schizoaffective disorder is a psychological condition that comprises both psychosis (loss of contact with reality) and mood disorders (such as mania or depression). It is divided into two subtypes based on the type of mood disorder that is involved: ,depressive subtype: involves major depressive episodes only bipolar subtype: involves manic episodes (high energy with extreme elevated, expansive, or irritable mood) with or without depressive episodes Symptoms of psychosis and mood disorders may occur together or separately. Oftentimes, individuals with schizoaffective disorder experience symptoms in cycles alternating with periods of improvement. Schizoaffective disorder is less common than schizophrenia and mood disorders. Unfortunately, not many studies have been done on the