Schizophrenia By Jay Reavley Summary

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Again, everyone must gain an understanding of the mentally ill and how the control we have they have lost. In light of all that has been discussed, there is indeed a link that ties mental illness, violence, and crime together. In addition, researchers show that nearly all the criminal cases involve some type of mental, illness. However, it has been found that most cases are those in which a person with schizophrenia has committed. The questioner may be asked what well schizophrenia is, according to Jay Haley schizophrenic internal processes are often described in terms of ego weakness, primitive logic, or dissociated thinking (1). Moreover, schizophrenia is a very common mental disorder that relates to faulty perception, inappropriate actions, …show more content…

Despite everyone people that are fighting a mental disorder are constantly bombarded with new things that disrupt their peace. Reavley addresses that “knowing someone with a mental health problem and having a higher level of education were associated with less belief of dangerousness” (1). The problem that, it arises from what Really has stated is that people with a higher education believed that people with mental illness are not dangerous is only a matter of opinion. The thing people do not take into account is that people with mental illness are not completely dangerous, but without help, they can be extremely. Reavley uses an example of a Telephone interview that was carried out where Respondents heard of a person with depression or early schizophrenia and were asked whether they believed him to be dangerous (1). Most people said that they did not believe all people with mental illness were dangerous, but they were, however afraid if the person was to go off-of their medicine. Through telephone interviews and media reports, people still seem to have a sense of worry about what people with these disorders are capable