School Dress Code Essay

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School is designed more for the male gender than it is the female gender. In fact, the entire world is designed more for males than it is females. Is this because of how women act or do women act this way because of how they are treated? School has been around since ancient times, but in most cultures it was purely for the male gender. Occasionally women would be taught to read and write but that was considered a privilege. Women were constantly set to the standard of staying home, taking care of the children and their husbands, and taking care of the household in general (NWHM). In early American colonial times, when farms and plantations were too far apart to build schools, the families would hire teachers for the boys in the family, every …show more content…

Dress code, almost all schools have one and this particular subject causes a lot of drama around the globe. The dress code is designed to set us up for how we should appropriately dress in a work environment, but it is also treated differently between the sexes (School Dress Code Sexist?). For females, in certain schools it is a violation of the dress code to wear anything shorter than three inches above the knee, yet if a male were too wear shorts that were shorter than three inches above the knee it is not against dress code. The same can be said for tank tops, if a young lady was walking down the hallway in a tank top that was completely covering up her cleavage she would be sent to the office, and she would be told that she is distracting the male students and that she needs to either change shirts or put on a jacket. One poll that was conducted at Lamar High School showed that if two students, one from each gender, wore the same length of shorts and a tank top, the girl was stopped by a teacher and was dress coded, the boy was left alone all day (LHS). Women are treated as minorities, even though the majority of females do better in school, they are still graded on different standards. This could be one of the main reasons why the female gender does better in school is because they are graded on a lower level than their male classmates. Women succeed in their schooling even