School Lunches Essay

814 Words4 Pages

Carter Torrence
Mrs. Define
Hon. English 9
19 January 2023

Recent studies have shown that school lunches are the main food source that children get in their day. “One in seven, or 11 million, children in America live in households without consistent access to adequate food,” (School Nutrition Statistics). This creates a salient role in the hours the school should provide lunch. World hunger and food insecurity has been a problem worldwide and can happen anywhere. Sports also make it longer and harder to get food. Therefore, This should be taken into consideration when providing school lunch hours. Schools need to be free and serve food all day. Schools around the world need to provide at least 4 hours of serving lunch or all day. …show more content…

This destroys them mentally and without proper food, they won’t be able to get the nourishment they need. A child has to be set up for success in order to succeed. These students are hindered by the school’s lack of assisting their needs. Imagine every day, waking up, wondering if you’re going to eat that day. Wondering if they will be happy that day or do good in school. People have been put into this world to make a difference. No one can control the situation they're placed in, but if something or someone can change for the better, they should. Breakfast starts early at school before 9 am. They normally serve basic breakfast food, including muffins and cereal. It’s a good way to get any nutrients and food for the day, But the time is horrible for anyone going through food insecurities. Normally, parents can’t drive their kids to school because they have to work hard to pay rent. Many of the buses arrive late to school, including mine. Buses arriving late cause students to miss breakfast and have no time before lunch to get food. I have been in this situation a lot of times. Not only that, some teachers will not let me eat in their class. This is very difficult and annoying for me. It’s crazy how I don’t have a food insecurity of my own but am still annoyed by the school’s lunch timing. It shows how hard it must be for students that are