Public Schools Vs Homeschooling Essay

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Throughout my seven years of being involved with a church youth group with a variety of backgrounds, I have noticed one thing: public school kids and homeschooled kids are very different. They are day and night as the two systems are vastly different from one another. A few specific things that have stuck out are the social skills, curriculum, and the discipline. Based on personal experience and research on the two topics, public schools is the better option to enroll students opposed to home school.
Public schooling can benefit one’s social skills by having events such as dances, sports, and extracurricular activities. Without realizing it, students interact with people of different races, ethnicities, religions, and more everyday. When teaching a lesson, …show more content…

Many parents who homeschool tend to focus a lot on religion or what they decide is important or interesting, causing them to focus less on the actual learning. It may cause students to not be given the opportunity to learn something they are actually interested in. Homeschooling is a very one on one learning between a student and a parent. Although one on one learning may work for some children, it may not expose them to a variety of ways to learn a new concept or skill that may be easier for them.
Lastly, discipline taught between homeschooling and public schooling are extremely different. A homeschooled student is on their own schedule everyday, giving them more time to complete assignments on their own with no real due date. At a public school they are required to take tests and do their homework, whereas homeschooling parents may not be enforcing it as much. Students are not taught a set of rules in which it is mandatory they follow, they are allowed to watch tv, play on video games, or play on their phone whenever they wish to. Learning strong discipline is an enormous factor in a great