
Scientific Management: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Scientific Management

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Taylorism is a scientific management approach developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor that involved techniques such as (1) Time and motion study, (2) Differential piece rate plan in order to improve productivity and economic efficiency. This approach also focused on assigning job to workers based on their capability and encouraged managers and workers to work together in harmony to achieve a common goal.

Phases of Scientific Management:

Advantages of Taylorism:

- Improved economic and work efficiency
- This approach yields standardized best practices
- Scientific recruitment enables the workers to perform tasks that they are skilled in
- Supervision and training ensured the workers used appropriate scientific design for the task in hand therefore leading to increased productivity
- Workers received higher wages or incentives based on productivity
- Knowledge transfer enabled between workers and workers and tools
- Enhanced team work and cooperation between managers and workers
- Better planning and decision making
- Company has full control over its workforce

Disadvantages of Taylorism:

- Suitable for small organizations
- Leads to deskilling of labor
- Managerial decisions may involve friction between workers and managers
- Lead to dissatisfaction, demotivation and disenchantment among workers
- Influences work pressure
Criticism on Taylorism:
The concept of scientific management which was pioneered in the early 20th century has some limitations in the
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