Scientific Revolution Research Paper

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The Importance of The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution was important to history. It provided a new view on the way the world worked that would live on to modern times. Often referred to “The Birth of Modern Science”, the Scientific Revolution was a time where individuals began to realize the importance of humanism and educational values, including the principles of observation, experimentation, and reasoning. The Scientific Revolution was a time full of a spark of ideas which led to some of the biggest discoveries in the history of science, math, astronomy, and much more. Although there had been the discoveries of individuals such as Aristotle and Ptolemy years and years before this time, the Scientific Revolution was a time where individuals began to have and prove their own ideas, rather than just accepting the ideas which had been established in the past. Many influential individuals from the time of the Scientific Revolution presented us with the countless concepts we use today. However, they were only able to come to these conclusions through observation, experimentation, and reasoning. One example of a significant scholar from this time period is Nicolaus Copernicus. Nicolaus Copernicus published a book, On the Revolution of the …show more content…

The Scientific Revolution was the key point in the development of experimenting and proving ideas, expanding upon ideas of the past, and improving on modern ideas. It presented us with some of the most important theories and principles we know today, and was revolutionary in its influence on experimental science and proof of what one believes to be true. Despite the lack of major emphasis on the Scientific Revolution, it should not be overlooked because it produced some of the most complex theories in math and science which we continue to expand on