Score How Much Did You Know About Buying A Car Essay

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1. Score how much did you know about Buying A Car BEFORE starting this Unit? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Knowledge. What knowledge have you acquired during this task? List at least THREE things you now know about Buying A Car. During this task, I have developed knowledge on ‘What is a VIN?”. A VIN is a vehicle identification number which is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles. “ What is Stamp Duty?”, Stamp duty is a duty levied on the legal recognition of certain documents, and “What is a warranty?”, A warranty is a written guarantee, issues to the purchase of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time, “where …show more content…

The sources. websites workbook Teacher Newspaper Ads 7. How did you collect, gain or obtain the information you needed from these sources? Explain the steps you took to find the required information. To find the cars we were going to be studying, we looked on websites and looked at newspaper ads. We could access our work book to find out the procedure to be able to figure out the amount and the prices and we also has Mr Milne to help us. 8. How relevant was the information you obtained from these sources? Explain how you decided whether the information was relevant or not? 9. How difficult was it to find the relevant information to complete this Practical Task? Explain in some detail. To find the relevant information that we needed to find was simple. We had to find a car sales website or newspaper ad, find three cars of our liking and study them in detail until we found the one we wanted to know more about. The information that I did fine was mostly relevant, there were parts that I didn’t think were relevant, such as having to write about the little things included within the car purchase. 10. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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