Search Engine Land's Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors

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Imagine for a minute that you are a librarian, but not a normal one, you are a librarian for every book in the world. People depend on you every day to find the exact book they need. How do you do it?! You need a system. You need to know what is inside every book and how books relate to each other. Your system needs to take in a lot of information and spit out the best answers for patrons questions. It is not an easy job. Search engines like Google and Bing are the librarians of the internet. Their systems collect information about every page on the web so they can help people find exactly what they are looking for and every search engine has a secret recipe, called an algorithm for turning all that information into useful search results. …show more content…

These subgroups contain one or more individual SEO factors with a specific weight or importance.Violations, while a group unto themselves, are displayed under the group and subgroup to which they’re associated. Content is king. You’ll hear that phrase over and over again when it comes to SEO success. Indeed, that’s why the Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors begins with the content “elements,” with the very first element being about content quality.Get your content right, and you’ve created a solid foundation to support all of your other SEO efforts. The next major On-The-Page group in the Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors is site architecture. The right site structure can help your SEO efforts flourish while the wrong one can cripple them.
Search engines “crawl” websites, going from one page to another incredibly quickly, acting like hyperactive speed-readers. They make copies of your pages that get stored in what’s called an “index,” which is like a massive book of the …show more content…

Good things happen when more people see your site or brand.Again, participation in social sharing sites is crucial. If you don’t have a Twitter account, a Facebook fan page or a Google+ Page you’re missing out. You’re not building up a network that can help spread (aka share) your content, site and brand. So far, we’ve discussed the positive signals that make up the Periodic Table Of SEO Success Factors. But there are also some negative factors to avoid.A word of reassurance: Very few people who believe they’ve spammed a search engine have actually done so. It’s hard to accidentally spam and search engines look at a variety of signals before deciding if someone deserves a harsh penalty.
That said, let’s talk about things not to do! ‘Thin’ or ‘shallow’ content: This domain-level penalty targets sites with a predominant amount of so-so content and essentially treats it similarly to the way it treats overt spam

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