Second Hand Smoke Persuasive Essay

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Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 American people every year, while killing
41,000 of these deaths from exposure to second hand smoke. It has decreased over the years, but it would help if it would be banned in public because it would help them to smoke less, which may cause them to quit completely. There’s three reasons why to stop public smoking. Second hand smoke, allergies to smoke, and people will live longer and be healthier. Second hand smoke is when people are smoking around you and you breathe the smoky air in. It causes lung cancer and it just causes people to not be around smokers anymore.
Cigarette smoke smells bad and it’s bad for you in general. Just one cigarette contains over 4,000
Chemicals and humans take that in. Within 20 seconds of inhaling …show more content…

Some people have allergies to smoke. Studies have linked that children and smoke can lead to asthma or cancer. Second hand smoke can even cause an asthma attack. This can be very dangerous for children, especially your own. A child is more likely to smoke if their parent does.
If everyone would smoke by themselves and not in public, children would be safer and happier.
Almost half of children go to the hospital from asthma attacks report to live with smoking parents. This isn’t safe for our children, let alone adults who smoke cigarettes. People live longer and are happy and healthier who do not smoke. If people already stop smoking in public, it may lead them to not smoke at all. People have jobs and lives during the day, which is most when they smoke. But, if they are not allowed, then it will help them not get the “urge” to smoke. They can get their focus on something else which will cause the urge to subside. This helps everyone because they don’t need their workers or employees to have a break which is not fair to everyone else who does not smoke. Plus, their employees will always be there working and not smoking on a break just in case they need their