Secret Life Of Bees Character Analysis

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In the novel “Secret life of bees” the author Kidd Monk Sue made me admire Zach Taylor. He works at the honey farm and becomes a friend of Lily’s. He seems to be like the average teenager in during that time erra. Now he is a very “happy go lucky” teenager, but when something happens to him it changes him. After this event he is a whole new person. He is not himself, he is angry and there is nothing that will change him back to the way he was before.
He was put in jail and he did nothing wrong, it made him angry, after this it opened up his eyes. He did not do anything wrong but the world made him feel like he did.
I feel like I can relate to Zach on a personal level. He was changed due to the fact that something had a big impact on his life and he could do nothing. He could do nothing at all to help anybody. He was helpless, other people made him feel like he was nothing and was no good. …show more content…

In this past year, more things have happened than I can count. This years events have changed me for the worse. I feel all the people who have left my life changed me. I don’t think like a teenager my age would. I know most friendships are not forever and you can’t trust most of the people you think you can. I learned that the world is not the way people present it to be. One of the big things that changed me is losing my family, my mother did not die, my sister did not die, my father did not die, but I believe their souls have. I am not myself anymore. I always have this anger inside me mixed with sadness in my chest. This heavy feeling I carry with me everywhere. I am not me. The me my boyfriend met this year is not the me I want to