History Of Sectionalism

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In American History, we are currently studying the concept of sectionalism. Sectionalism is the division within a country based on regional beliefs and interests. In the early-mid 1800’s, sectionalism in America grew as slavery divided the Nation. Slavery was ignored, compromised, and argued about by the states until the conflict drove our country into the Civil War. Although regional differences are not as distinct these days, many issues are currently causing division among the states and people of our country. These issues lead to what our history class describes as “modern sectionalism.” One such issue is Animal Testing. In the article “About Animal Testing,” the author begins by stating what animal testing was. It had shown the effects …show more content…

All it is saying is that that are going to get these helpless animals and these people at BSI are going to gas them with chemicals, inject them with diseases, and risk of killing them. It says that some animals have died in this process and won’t even get recorded into the data, so the number of 115 million animals used, isn’t exact. This medicine will cause psychological stress and pain to these animals. The same animals that could be in your house right now. Do you really want people to kill these animals that could be found in your house? Some examples of this include cats, dogs, mice, and even guinea pigs.? AI think that animal testing should be banned because of all of these animals that BSI is wasting too see what medicines they can take. Even when all of these animals are not exactly like humans, we still use medicines and diseases on them to basically do nothing on the human part of …show more content…

Animals that are used for this method have been through force-feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other wounds to study the healing process, the infliction of pain to study its effects and remedies, and killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means. Second, we now have technology to use instead of animals. We can use other test subjects and draw their blood or Petri dishes that produce more relevant tests than animals too. Animal testing should be banned for the reason that these animal tests aren’t exactly 100% accurate. Some of the drugs that were used on animals and have worked, they were defective on humans. Over 85 HIV vaccines have failed in humans. Since this has happened, we have tried 150 clinical trials for humans for patients that we for extremely ill and they had all failed, even though they were successful with these animals. My plan for making this an illegal thing is to make sure that all of these animal testing facilities are shut down. I would like these scientists that work in these industries to have a better job than killing animals with chemicals. All these scientists need for their job is to have human test subjects that request it and then can test on them. I highly restrict using animals for this because of how inhuman it is. Humans will be 99.9% the