Greitemeyer Self-Perception Theory

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In self-perception theory, individuals infer their own characteristics by observing their own behavior. Greitemeyer (2013) studied the effects of playing video games on perceptions of one’s humanity. In the previous research, the supposition is examined whether helping attitude increases the perception of one’s own humanity even when the help is given that does not benefit a real person. Result shows that playing a prosocial video game, where the goal of this kind of game is to help and having a care to the other character, led to increased perceptions of the player’s own humanity. It shows that being helpful in video games leads to a perception of being a human, and if not it leads to a negative perception of a human.
Hollingdale and Greitemeyer …show more content…

For men gamers they haven’t considered women gamers as one of them, simply because they’re women and for men gamers they believed that women can’t do what they can do in terms of playing video games. Because men gamers wanted to compare the skills and strategies they have than in female gamers and how female gamers levelled up in particular video or online games. Because if they failed to win over men the stereotypes continue to exist in the gaming community (Shen & Rabindra Ratan, 2016).
Gittleson (2014), stated that "Female Characters do exist and their representation is generally skewed." In video games industry the percentage of women gamers has increased, but the sexism still exists. One of the reasons why sexism still exists is that for men gamers before the population of women gamers increased there's a huge population of men gamers in the gaming community. And for some men gamers they don't believe in the ability and skills of women gamers that women can play too, simply because they're weak for men gamers and they can't play