Senior Spring Project Personal Reflection

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My Senior Spring Project (SSP) got off to a quick and exciting start. I have enjoyed my four mini-courses, my two independent studies, tennis, and the one-on-one weekly meetings I have with the various teachers who supervise these activities. Through SSP, I am slowly learning how to manage my activities outside of my regular school routine. In the first week, I had trouble managing my reading assignments from one mini-course (4 hours) along with the work from my two independent projects (total of 12 hours). I have never had so much independent work over a week that was not split into separate homework assignments. Although I struggled with time management in this area during the first week, I am now making it more manageable by setting specific …show more content…

This school is intense and the work is very time consuming, so I found myself placing academics over all other parts of my life more frequently than I would like to admit. During SSP, I am trying to take those classes that I did not have time to take during my time at BB&N and learn the skills that I brushed aside in order to work as hard as I possibly could at school. As an athlete and someone who likes to travel and hike, I decided to take the Sports Medicine mini-course which will help me understand more about sports medicine, injury prevention, injury treatment, and also, add concrete examples to some of the things that I learned in Advanced Biology this year. I am taking the Middlemarch mini-course simply because I love Mr. Leith’s teaching style, and it is his favorite book of all time. The Life Skill mini-course is the one that ties my whole SSP together because it teaches us students the small skills that every adult should know. This week, Mr. Willey taught us all about cars, and my homework is to change the tire of a car. Lastly, I decided to take IMPACT because I think that self-defense is a critical life skill for every person, especially going into