Serial Killer Research Paper

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Psychology: The Mind of a Serial killer

What’s the first thing a person thinks when they hear the word “psycho” ? is it people like Jeff Dahmer, H. H. Holmes? Human beings who can’t feel emotion, never show emotion, walk around the world with blood on their hands and a smile on their face? After all the head scratching and puzzle pieces scattered across the drawing board, they’ve came up with only one real thing to say; what’s up with this maniac’s brain? Killers and/or serial murders are the result of brain abnormalities that include narrow tissue in key subcortical areas. Social factors have little to no role in creating a psychopath. Psychopaths also study others to learn how to appear normal. Psychopathy is genetically determined while …show more content…

“Killers are the result of brain abnormalities with thinner tissue in key subcortical areas.” (Pemment). The term serial killer is not a valid diagnosis. On the other hand, serial murderer has been considered by the F.B.I as “the unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offenders in separate events”, the definition, for law enforcers is helpful with behavioral traits to people who will commit crime again if not apprehended in their first encounter.

A nice note about psychopaths is they normally have low heart rate (barber, 2004). In their brain, for instance, the reduced prefrontal gray matter, which is the powerhouse/storage of muscle control, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self control. There are other decreases, such as amygdalar abnormalities and asymmetric hippocamp. The amygdalar is important for emotional learning, detecting fear ( killers tend to lack feeling fearful), preparing for emergencies, gender of individual, and hormonal activity (feelings for same or opposite sex). To further show evidence that killers …show more content…

It's even better than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerous animals to kill gives me the most thrilling experience. It is even better than getting *physically involved* with a female” (Brogaard). In addition, this too shows why psychopaths don’t understand relationships and have lack empathy for others. The hippocampus is primarily associated with memory, long term memory to be exact, and also regulates aggression, which explains why they are and can be aggressive than the well balanced human . “However studies have shown that damage to the hippocampus does not affect a person’s ability to learn a new skill” ( news According to, “Genetics, of course, play the main role in brain functioning but what pregnant mothers do also has a huge impact on their unborn child. “ Smoking and poor nutrition while the mother is pregnant makes the child two to three times likely to offend in late life by reducing blood flow to brain by carbon monoxide. Too much sugar flooding the brain can affect increase of aggression to become offenders afterward. Genetics play a large

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