
Serial Killers: A Short Story

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that Melanie drank the rest of the water ceasing her strong thirst as the water rolled down her parched throat, and keeping the fire burning to scare away predators she cuddled up in the shelter for a long awaited sleep. *** Melanie awoke to the signing of birds and the ache in her leg. Her stomach growled reminding Melanie that she hasn’t ate anything since yesterday breakfast. She sat up and inspecting her cut, and saw that the bleeding had stopped and the gash looked better then yesterday. She retied a new piece of cloth to it and came out of the shelter. She immediately saw that her fire was almost out and quickly fixed it by throwing more sticks into it. Stretching her arms Melanie looked up to admire the bluebird that was singing a lively tune, but she saw something …show more content…

Under the stick she found three simple wood crosses sticking out of the ground. Melanie came closer to the crosses on shaking legs. Examining the scene she found two letters carved into each cross “B.A.” Melanie felt the blood leaving her face and the ground leaving her legs and grabbed on to a nearby palm to safe herself from fainting. The minute Melanie saw the initials she knew what they meant, Burton Albenstain, a serial killer that has been said to die two years ago. As well, each cross except the third one held a date, and the latest date was just 3 months ago. Suddenly Melanie realized why the third cross held no date…because it was her cross; she was the next victim. Melanie now remembering the sound in the grass understood that it was no squirrel but Burton Albenstain observing his next victim. This time Melanie did not feel faint instead she felt a fear that the overwhelming silence could not swallow. Melanie knew that Burton Albenstain was a big man that could snap her dainty

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