Serial Killers Should Be Placed In Mental Institutions Essay

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Introduction In light of deciding whether serial killers should be placed in maximum security prisons versus mental institutions it is important to analyze of the scientific functions of one’s brain. Studies have indicated a direct correlation between serial killers and brain abnormalities but also show evidence of more functional brains with disorders having personality disorders, thus having abnormalities but lacking the title of mental insanity. While considering the brain abnormalities commonly seen in serial killers, legally speaking only one-fifth of serial killers are considered mentally insane in the court of law. Presently, The Criminal Justice System states “To be classified as legally insane, an individual must be unable to …show more content…

With evaluating both Mental Disorders and Antisocial Personality Disorders along with the brain functions that are responsible for these disorders, it helps to clarify the understanding of why serial killers act the way that they do. Seeing the abnormalities which are present in serial killers, it seems most appropriate to place them in mental institutions, but many other factors play a role in the lengthy decision that must be made on their placement. The topic of whether serial killers should be placed in mental institutions versus prisons needs to be inspected on several levels due to the many factors that are significant in the process of deciding. Viewing this through a scientific perspective the best option appears to be mental institutions but when taking in account all the other factors that potentially play a role in this decision making process prisons seem most feasible financially and considering the fact that these diseases are usually not reversible therefore sending them back into society after a mental institution would prove not

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