Serial Killers: The Birth Of H. Holmes

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There are different types of serial killers; some are worse than others. People often wonder why these people do certain things, for example, why they target specific people, or what has influenced their behavior. Taking a deeper look into serial killers a lot can be learned about their childhood and what may have led to them turning out the way they did. Most of the time they do not just wake up one day and decide to kill someone; rather, they are influenced by something or someone. It all starts with looking at their childhood, what their addiction turns into, and what happens to them in the end.
The Birth of H.H. Holmes On May 16, 1861, in Gilmanton, New Hampshire, Herman Webster Mudgett came into the world. He later became known as H.H. Holmes (“H.H. Holmes Biography.” Biography). His parents were Levi Horton Mudget and Theodate Page Price. Ellen, Arthur, and Henry were also part of his family (“H.H. Holmes Biography.” The Famous). Herman was born into a family that was known for their money, leaving him to be a privileged child. His …show more content…

(Weiser-Alexander). When constructing research about a specific serial killer and their lives, knowing about their past, what they did, and how they were caught is important. Children are often influenced by what happens when they are a kid. When a person is abused or harmed in any way as a child, this may lead them to a not-so-happy life. Crimes committed by serial killers typically start small and grow into much bigger issues. Serial killers can be hard to stop because they can be extremely smart, and after they are caught, it is important to take the right measures to stop them. It is important to make sure nothing else can happen, even if this means putting them to death. This information is crucial to learning more about how serial killers operate and what drives them to do what they

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