I also can show leadership in FFA By helping lead on the events and telling people what to do when we work at certain times for the teacher breakfast. Another trait I can relate to the Odyssey is, “Now listen to your orders when it comes the time those who don't listen will pay
KVT currently has a nonprofit board in place, made up of my wife, the local church members, the building owner, and two other volunteers from the store. They made the decision to hire management from both outside the company and inside the existing company. Hoping that by bringing the two together will allow for open communication between the staff and management, as well as bringing new ideas to the table. “Changes are going to happen for older businesses to run more smoothly. If not, that business may not succeed.
Individuals like Kathryn have spent many years learning and teaching others to become better, doing everything she can to train her players to win and be in their best shape. Leadership principals are ideas and methods that people can internalize to carryout meaning for every aspect in life. Woman have come a long way, from gaining woman’s rights, joining the workforce, becoming professionals, fighting in combat and now as head coach for the NFL. This paradigm shift is changing the way the world is; it is not only changing the way we do business but how we communicate with each other. Thanks to woman like Kathryn Smith, Becky Hammon, and all woman that are stepping up to the challenge and making woman
This includes teaching children from kindergarten to 6th graders to learn how to hit the ball, to proper have a better form, and to have fun during the camp. This leadership inspire me to become compassion and help people grow to learn new things. Another demonstration of leadership is when I join a tennis team in high school. To me, leadership during tennis is to know your team and yourself better because it can set the team to become successful. This also means helping other achieve the impossible.
Through the National Student Leadership Conference, I will be marching out of my comfort zone and learning qualities that will aid me in becoming a better leader. In my school there are numerous leadership opportunities, from being class president, to being a house captain, to planning a school wide event.
List the Leadership Development Events that you have participated in. Explain your experience, and how it has helped you grow as an FFA member. I have participated in Radio Broadcasting and learned that FFA could lead me to my goal of being a successful adult. My experience in Radio Broadcasting has shown me how dedication and persistence could lead me to success. Every day my team and I practiced and ultimately, went to the Area contest.
One leadership experience I had was through my athletics at my high school. Every year, our high school volleyball program hosts a camp for young girls to come learn and develop her volleyball skills, as well as do arts and crafts and make new friends. As a varsity player, we all were assigned a different group of girls to be in charge of. We also were given a junior varsity player to help us. I became a leader in this area because I was more experinced and organized.
I am one that is always open to suggestions and feedback so I can better myself and better help the students I work with. Personally, I love reading about other people’s leadership styles because they are so much more experienced than I, and have tried and tested more than one approach before landing on one that works for them. While reading about Coach Wooden’s experiences and the lessons he wanted to share, I also feel I have a new understanding of what it would be like to be a coach. Since I have not coached or been involved with many typical team sports growing up, I don’t have many of the same experiences to relate to as my classmates. Reading this book has helped put in perspective the amount of time, dedication, and skill it takes to work in the world of collegiate coaching.
I don’t have much management/leadership experiences but the little I do have is being a manager at the tanning salon I recently worked for and also being cheer co-captain when I was in high school. Being a manager for the tanning salon I had to make schedules weekly and making sure everyone knew what time they were working and also working around their personal schedules, training new workers, and making sure the tanning salon was stocked up on all the things needed. Being Cheer co-captain I helped with making practice schedules monthly and dress code policies, training new cheerleaders cheers, and making
Being a part of the Nation Ford Marching band and allocating a great deal of time to an activity played a large role in my growing leadership capabilities. During the first semester of my sophomore year, I was selected to become a mentor for the freshman class of 2026. After previously participating in drum major workshops to support my interest in becoming a stronger leader, I was able to apply the lessons I learned to a real environment. Having the privilege of being a mentor for my section allowed me to gain more confidence by helping others. I found myself enjoying the long, scorching practices because I was happy to be aiding the growth of others- those that needed the confidence I needed during my first year of marching band.
The basic principle of servant leadership is serving others and the community. The three principles of the servant-leadership are sharing the power, putting the needs of others first and helping people achieve their highest potential so that they may want to serve others. This creates an environment of trust, collaboration, teamwork and group improvement. Robert Greenleaf created the term, Servant Leader, and creating the idea of leading by serving with individuals and organizations. In one of his major essay’s, The Institution as Servant, Greenleaf (as cited in “What is Servant Leadership,” n.d.) expressed what was frequently called the “credo.”
Through volunteering, I realized successful leaders exhibit perseverance and are self-disciplined and that servant leadership is not a specific style or skill but rather, it is about (a leader’s) behavior and actions, that are adopted over the longer term. As a leader, it is important to understand the organizational mission, values and long-term vision, whether one is working for the organization or a volunteer of it, to effectively and whole-heartedly serve the organization. This experience showed me the areas in my leadership, where I can improve upon. I recognized the importance of listening to others and what a vital part it plays, in building strong and successful relationships. I also recognized, that I tend to want to nurture and care for others, and while that is important, it is also important to recognize when an individual may not welcome that and that is okay.
In KPLC, ethical and effective servant leadership is applied through, first through influencing the followers to a common goal which is to provide world class power by persuading them to align their activities to the organizations strategic goal plan ( Northouse, 2015). To persuade the followers the CEO and his team have initiated team talks that are held monthly to elaborate the vision , mission and core values of the organization , whilst receiving feedback and working on the same. Persuasion is an attribute that is used by global leaders in negotiations, and partnerships and is also a characteristic (Goldsmith et al. , 2003 ; Spears, 2002) KPLC as an organization, has a workforce that comprises employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. In organizations managing diversity is key, according to Trompenaars and Voerman (2010) managing diversity is the core value for servant leaders . Similarly , managing culture is key in cross cultural leadership as it enables the leader to work effectively with persons from diverse cultures (Adler & Gundersen , 2007) .
The best leader I’ve worked with was my Junior High Football coach. My coach used the Path-Goal Theory. I hated football and saw no future for me in that sport. I was teased and literally quit the year before at a different school. I heard about try outs at another school and decided to go.
In fact, leadership is an art rather than a science. The process of learning leadership is a hand-on experience, which focuses on practice instead of concepts itself. This course provides me a chance to gain more insight about leadership and it helps me develop my new image of leadership. Meanwhile, I also use the theories in our textbook as a framework for self-assessment of my leadership skills and try to develop my own leadership style during the