Servant Leadership Theory Paper

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I agree with the servant leadership theory because it allows for empowerment of the employees, giving them the sense that their input matters to the leader, and allows for the strong development of mutual trust and respect. When employees feel that a leader has their back and fully supports them, they are more inclined to go above and beyond their standard roles as well as setting a fine example to help each other, since the leader is fostering an environment of help and collaboration. I personally have employed this leadership style and have been very successful with it. I have always empowered my employees by letting them provide input into how we can streamlines processes, provide better customer support, and how we can develop stronger …show more content…

On the positive side, creating a high-quality LMX relationship with employees can create an environment with a high level of trust and respect. However, this theory seems to put leaders into a position where they will treat employees differently based on the ability to create either a high or low quality relationship. The truth is not everyone will like each other on a personal level. My personal opinion is that the employee is not being paid to like me, they are being paid to do a specific set of duties and maintain a level of responsibility and accountability for their work. Treating employees differently based the level of relationship I have been able to forge (which is not always in my control) can cause a rift between team members and is a breeding ground for nepotism, since the employees that I have created a high-quality relationship may be viewed by others as receiving special treatment and impacts decisions such as performance reviews, opportunities for advancement, and how incentives may be distributed. As a leader it is my responsibility to gain the trust and respect of all my employees, and fairness and equal treatment is the only way to achieve that