
Servant Leadership Vs Followership Essay

439 Words2 Pages

SPC Breedlove, Cameron
Compare and Contrast Essay
The purpose of this essay is to talk about the similarities and difference between followership and servant leadership. We will cover the shared traits and responsibilities between the two types. I will also discuss how followership and servant leadership have differences in roles.
Firstly, as defined by the Army “Followership is the ability to take orders and direction well, get in line with the mission and the commander's intent, be part of a great team, and fulfill the duty as a soldier.” (1) On the other hand servant leadership is defined as “putting the needs of others first and helping people develop and perform as highly as possible.” (2) Many times being a servant leader means also being a follower at the same time. Knowing this, you could understand that they have differences and some common ground as well. Traits that can define both would be respect, honesty, selflessness, and being trustworthy. Both side are here for the mission and their Soldier, yet there are still slight differences between the two.
Secondly, followers have common ground with servant leader, the role is different in that a follower should seek out more responsibility, but they remain having less responsibilities as leaders. They do not require the same amount of awareness of a task or mission to be able to complete …show more content…

A servant leader’s relationship with their Soldiers involves trust, empathy, and respect. While accomplishing their mission they must also commit to growing their Soldiers understanding of their profession. A servant leader applies empathy and compassion to a soldier struggling personally, offers training and expertise to a Soldier trying to better themselves professionally. It is all about understanding your Soldiers needs and best interest while still consistently being there for them or guiding them to the best resources for their

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