Settled Science By Charles Krauthammer And A Moral Atmosphere

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Climate change has been one of the major problems faced by us in the 21st century because of the increase in the amount of pollution caused by us. Studies have shown that in the 21st century the pollution has been increasing by 3.7% each year compare to 1% increase in the 20th century. As mentioned in “ The Myth Of ‘Settled Science’” by Charles Krauthammer and in “A Moral Atmosphere” by Bill McKinnbben changing for climate change is not something that comes naturally, but it is something that can be achieved over time. Change the way you think about transport, recycle and reproduce are a few that I believe are important to reduce climate change. In my opinion the only way to reduce or to stop climate change is to be a part of change instead of telling everyone to change. …show more content…

For example Krauthammer position is that science is always changing and the scientist who say that they know exactly, What will happen in 10 to 20 years from now? are liars, so he thinks climate change is not that of a huge deal, but on the other hand McKibben position on climate change is that stop complaining about climate change instead change the way you use certain things such as paper, gas and electricity.
Changing the way of using transportation can play key role in reducing climate change because walking and using bike whenever possible will not only reduce poisonous gases form by car, but it will increase the overall level of health and also help you in saving money on gasoline and parking. I do agree with McKibben on convincing university presidents on standing up against the oil companies, because that is the only way to weaken the oil companies who has been making billions from harming the earth's atmosphere ,to get their attention on the damage they are