Sexual Assault Is Rape Research Paper

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Sexual Assault can be defined differently depending upon the state or jurisdiction where different laws are established to define what sexual assault with that region. Sexual assault is sexual behavior or contact that can be rape or forced penetration, attempted rape, forcing sexual acts, or molestation. It is a form of control where a perpetrator has power over a victim To be more specific The FBI defines rape as, “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” ( “While rape is a form of sexual assault, not all sexual assault is rape.” Within the past fifty years Forensic Technology has advanced, and has …show more content…

A rape kits is most useful when the victim has a sexual assault exam with 24 hours of the assault. The first thing a victim will want to do is take a shower and change their clothing, as the victim is considered a crime scene and if the evidence is washed away it will be difficult to obtain evidence. Materials. A rape kit includes everything a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) needs in order to properly conduct an exam. The kit includes items such as: a checklist, materials, and instructions, along with envelopes and containers to package any specimens collected during the exam. The contents of the kit may include: Bags and paper sheets for evidence collection, Comb, Documentation forms, Envelopes, Instructions, Materials for blood samples, Swabs, etc. ( Procedure. Immediate care. Any critical injuries or care will be the first …show more content…

The isolation of DNA is taking DNA from a sample known and unknown in order to find the suspect. Processing DNA is the step to ensure results can be obtained. By looking at specific sections of DNA results can be obtained to then determine if the DNA is a match by comparison and interpretation. After the presumptive testing, confirmatory testing will be performed to further test the positive matches that presumptive revealed. “When a sufficient number of tests have been performed in which an individual cannot be excluded as the source of the DNA by any of the tests, a point is reached at which the tests have excluded virtually the world 's population and the unique identification of that individual as the source of the DNA has been achieved.” ( samples would these include known samples to refer to (usually sample of victim DNA) Exclusion of DNA is where a negative result is obtained, and a positive match is inclusion and a DNA profile is

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