Shangri-La Diet Research Paper

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The Shangri-La Diet is the name of a book that helped thousands of people lose weight. Psychologist Seth Roberts, its author, has created a plan that involves dinking up to 500 calories of flavorless oil to ward off hunger and cravings. Basically, you can eat anything you want as long as you follow this simple rule. There is no need to plan your meals, count calories, or give up junk food.

What Are the Benefits?

Seth Roberts claims that everybody has a set point - the weight that your brain strives to maintain. When your weight is below that point, you experience hunger and cravings. Your appetite decreases only when your weight is above the set point. He also claims that certain foods, especially those with a strong flavor, raise the set point. Bland foods, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite.

The Shangri-La Diet connects associative learning and weight control. By adding flavorless oil to your diet, your set point will increase. This will reduce hunger and cravings, leaving you full between meals. The key is to drink oil at least an hour before or after eating solid food. Aim for …show more content…

Adding those flavorless calories to your meals will keep hunger at bay. The best part is that you can eat whenever and whatever you want while on this plan.

What's the Downside?

Unfortunately, there are no scientific or clinical studies on the Shangri-La Diet. Even though there are plenty of testimonials from people who lost weight on this diet, the whole idea of a set point isn't backed up by science. Since there are no food restrictions, this weight loss plan can be dangerous for those with hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol.

Who Will Benefit from the Shangri-La Diet?

The Shangri-La Diet appeals to those who don’t want to follow a strict plan. If you're tired of fad diets, perhaps you should try something new. This approach could help you lose a few pounds and feel less