Shaq Against Age Of One And Done Essay

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What is the Rush
College basketball has a serious problem, the one and done rule. This rule has affected the lives of players, coaches, and teams everywhere. Although some players do well playing in the league, it is off the court that gets them in trouble. College basketball players should stay more than one year because they receive more education, they will create special bonds, and they will grow in maturity. First, staying in college will give the players more time to receive a full education. Many players leave college early with just one year of college experience. In the article “Shaq Against Age of One-and-Done”, Shaquille O’Neal, a former NBA basketball player has said if the rule was up to him, it would be, “three and done.” …show more content…

Some great college basketball players have come from not so great places and their families may not be able to find a steady living place. In “Shaq against Age of one and done,” Shaq says,”A lot of guys do it because of their financial situation and they need to do it. That's the only way to provide a better means for their family. So when you look at it from that aspect, I understand it.” Players like this go after one year to receive money for their families, not themselves. Also, the players like these who grew up in poverty are usually the ones who are smartest with money because they know what poverty is, and they do not want that for their own families. Although these players must provide for their family, getting an education is extremely important as well. Having a plan for the future other than basketball will help these athletes go even farther in life. If these athletes are staying in school, they are still going to school for free on a scholarship. The college basketball players who stay longer than one year have better options for the future and are more likely to provide for their families