Sharp Healthcare Performance Management Improvement Plan

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Sharp HealthCare is a health care delivery system based in San Diego, California that serves approximately three million customers more than sixteen thousand employees and physicians making them the largest private employer in San Diego (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2011). Some of the company goals include being “the best place to work, the best place to practice medicine, and the best place to receive care in San Diego” (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2011, p. 114). Sharp HealthCare elected to adopt the “six pillars of excellence as the foundation for its vision” and to achieve the goals of the company (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2011, p. 114). Using the six pillars the company could focus on employee satisfaction and retention of the strong employees while mentoring the weaker employers to get them to the desired standards of …show more content…

The organization used the management improvement plan to target goals and take action that results in meaningful improvements to the healthcare system. Success and progress of company goals can be monitored through the development of an organizational performance management system (OPMS) as implemented by Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton NJ (Nelsen, 2005). Robert Wood Johnson utilized a five pillar approach that included quality, service, finance, people and growth. Sharp HealthCare added a sixth pillar to their approach and focused on service, quality, and people (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2011). For quality Sharp HealthCare focused on patient safety, measuring infection control, and score on licensing and accreditation. Service included the people factor by seeing high satisfaction among physicians and patients. The people pillar expands the service pillar to increase satisfaction and retention of